Enabling the Energy of the Future.

ADS-TEC Energy

ADS-TEC Energy develops and produces battery-based platform solutions for the energy industry of the future. Our systems are complemented with comprehensive services and secure remote access to all operational data, enabling long-lasting and long-term operation. This way, we ensure that the future decentralized energy system in a CO2-neutral world is safe, efficient, and optimally deployed.

The transformation to a climate-neutral energy economy is one of the greatest challenges of our time. In particular, tomorrow's energy system will be more electric, more digital and more decentralized. In addition, today's electricity, heat and mobility sectors will increasingly interact to compensate for volatility in renewable energy supply. This will require decentralized and intelligent energy platforms with integrated buffer storage in our real estate, industry and infrastructure. On the basis of these, we will enable future energy suppliers to control the complex interaction of producers and consumers.
Thomas Speidel,
Founder and CEO of ADS-TEC Energy,
in context of the Deutscher Zukunftspreis 2022.

What we stand for

It is our goal to develop and produce the leading decentralized and intelligent energy platforms, and to provide support for them over long periods of time. A particularly high development depth enables us capable to accompany our customers for years and decades to come and to empower our customers to focus on their own core business and customers. Our partners are energy suppliers, operators of charging infrastructure as well as infrastructure providers. We provide them with the best possible support in the form of hardware, software and services so that they can operate in their respective markets and regions. Our intelligent platforms are therefore more than just mere components. With their high degree of functionality, our platforms are the basis for the optimal operation of complex local business models. These include peak load shaving, grid services, the integration of renewables, and ultra-fast charging of electric cars on power-limited grids.
Our platforms are a multi-tool that does not just serve one business purpose but can be used in a variety of use cases and adapt to changing requirements thanks our flexible offers.



Where we come from

Around the year 2010 the business unit ADS-TEC Energy was set up within the ADS-TEC Group - a now more than 40 years old family business from Southern Germany - and was incorporated as a separate company. The company name stands for "Advanced System Technologies" because the core understanding of the technology has always been our basis for innovation. Over the years, we have developed principal technologies in the field of scalable lithium-ion batteries, because of our conviction that storage will play an important role as flexibility mechanism in the future decentralized and CO2-neutral world of energy.

In the further course of the company's development, BOSCH had acquired a stake in ADS-TEC Energy. Later, ADS-TEC Energy became a supplier and partner for new infrastructures on an international scale of the leading e-mobility providers through a major contract for battery-buffered fast charging systems.

In 2021, ADS-TEC Energy was listed on NASDAQ through a SPAC merger (EUSG European Sustainable Growth). The listed ADS-TEC Energy PLC is based in Ireland. Its wholly owned subsidiary ADS-TEC Energy GmbH continues to be headquartered in Germany. In the USA, a 100% subsidiary (ADS-TEC Energy Inc.) of ADS-TEC Energy GmbH followed, which is located in Auburn, Alabama. Thereby, further steps of growth and internationalization have been taken.

ADS-TEC Energy has a high-performance production site near Dresden, Germany, which has been prepared for market expansion in recent years. In addition, in Auburn, USA, the construction of a further site was started in order to serve the demand from the market directly on site and to minimize delivery routes.

Working at ADS-TEC Energy

Our driver is the energy of tomorrow. Together with you, we want to actively shape the transformation of the energy system and make our contribution to the energy transition.

Job offers
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